Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tortilla Pizza

It seems kind of unfair that on my best days my pain kicks in around 5pm, just as I’m leaving work.  I often think it would be closer to optimal if I could concentrate all my physical pain into the more unpleasant part of the day (i.e. the work day part of the day), and then have my free time be pain-free.  But it doesn’t seem to work that way. 

Today I had an abnormally good day … at work, anyway.  The pain kicked in at the usual times and under the usual circumstances, but it never got so intense that I got discouraged or slowed down.  But just as I got to the clock to punch out, I noticed that acidy burning in my shoulder blade.  I was peeved.  I had errands to run and dinner to fix.  Now it was looking like my evening would turn into an ordeal.

So I ran to the supermarket to get some things, changing my dinner plans as I shopped and as the pain increased.  I got home and fixed this convenient meal – one I haven’t made in a long time.  It used to be a “stand-by,” but for some reason I’d forgotten about it. 

This is one of those meals that I fantasize about making in a real earthy-crunchy way.  I imagine making my own pizza sauce and keeping it frozen in little containers for individual use.  I plan on buying fresh mozzarella and shredding it myself.  I consider a variety of topping options. 

But today, I needed to put it together quickly.  At the supermarket, the pain was bad enough for me to consider forgoing checking the ingredients lists for sugar.  (I’m working toward a refined-sugar-free diet.  More on that later.)  So instead of fresh mozzarella, I got the pre-shredded bag.  Instead of feeling guilty for not having my own pizza sauce in the freezer, I just bought some. 

And this is my little, quick, makeshift pizza.  I found flour tortillas that didn’t have sugar, as well as a nice pizza sauce that was sugar free. 

I added peppers, mainly because they taste as good cooked as they do raw, and I wasn’t sure how long or how hot to cook this. 

It turned out that, even though this only took about 10 minutes to assemble, the process was rather painful.  So I’m back to reconsidering whether I should ever expect to actually cook dinner for myself after work.  I might go back to my old plan of only eating my homemade frozen dinners. 

I’m not going to include a “recipe” for this, since the ingredients are pretty obvious, and they can be tweaked just about any way you like – I once made a pizza with pears and blue cheese!  Also, I have no idea what would be the best temperature to cook this on.  I did it around 375 for 10 minutes or so.  It came out toasted around the edges and a little soggy in the middle, and the peppers were a bit raw, but tasty.  (Another thing about my cooking style that’s a result of being in too much pain to care: I tend not to worry about certain details.  Cooking only for myself takes the pressure off, too.)

In the background you see a glass of my homemade sparkling limeade.  Eventually, I'll get around to sharing that delicious concoction with you!

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