Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Nicest Day of Summer

Once again, my pain is playing rude games with me.  All week long I had the good fortune of being relatively pain-free most of the time at work.  Just about every day, I’d have little bouts of pain here and there, but for the most part felt good while I was on the job.  It wasn’t until I was finishing up, preparing to head home, that the pain kicked in in earnest.

And after a week of somewhat comfortable days, Saturday brings the payback.  I slept in a little.  I pushed myself a little harder on my exercise regimen.  And the pain was driving me to distraction by 10 a.m. 

Showering hurt.  Eating breakfast.  Drinking coffee.  Washing dishes.  Preparing lunch.  Laundry.  Even lying on the floor seemed to aggravate things. 

The most annoying thing was that this was one of the nicest days of weather we’ve had in weeks.  Not overly hot, not overly humid, and nice and sunny.  I wanted to go frolic somewhere.  But just walking outside to bring out the compost, I could tell venturing too far would be disastrous.  Even a casual stroll down the street was out of the question. 

Instead I did house work and lay on the floor by turns.  

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